Monday, November 3, 2008


Going away to college is tough. There are so many new people new meet, new experiences to have, and new memories to be made. The hard part is not forgetting everything you've been through. Sure, you move over 1,000 miles away and all your friends are within 2hrs of each other its hard. They all seem to be continuing on with the friendships and you feel as if you've left them all behind. The important thing to remember is that in life things change. But its your job to decide which things you allow to change. Do you change that hairstyle that never really quite worked, change that friendship that always led you down the wrong path, change the way you view relationships, or change the friendships you know you can count on. It may seem like you know the obvious choice, but until you are put in the position you never know which you will choose. So many things creep up and blind side you. You forget why you made a decision back in high school. Why did you go to the football game over homecoming, why did you say yes to him only to get back at someone else, why did you buy that shirt when you knew it wasn't worth the money? Why do any of us do the things we do? We do it because at the time it seems right. Because we finally let go and trust our self enough to make a decision and stick with it.

Tonight I made a tough decision. Do I regret it, no. Do I wish it had a better outcome, not really. Life happens. It you wised for it to happen differently than you wouldn't be the person you are this very moment. If you never made those hard decisions than nothing would ever get done in the world. So sometimes you just have to suck it up and make a choice that's right for you.

Every choice we make has repercussions and we have to live with them. As long as you are honest with yourself and all others involved no one can ever blame you for making the wrong decision. Just remember that sometimes people get hurt when you make a choice and you have to be considerate of their feelings. Apologize with your whole heart and again as long as you're telling the truth nothing can stay bad for forever.